MML IN-PERSON AND LIVE STREAM EVENT – What the Future Can Look Like with AI in Your Manufacturing Business – Tom Swip
Friday January 12th, 2024 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve heard how AI is changing the world around us. When properly implemented AI can speed along processes and help you build you company. Still, most companies don’t know what AI really means or what AI can do for their organization. Come and learn how different companies are using AI in their processes from sales and marketing to administration to operations. We will also discuss legislation and how AI will transform in years to come.
You won’t want to miss this event!
If you are unable to make it in-person, we will be streaming via LinkedIn Live the day of the event at the link below!
Speaker: Tom Swip

Tom Swip is President/CEO of Swip Systems, Vice President/CTO of Guard911/Hero911, and the founder of the Midwest Manufacturing Leaders. Tom has been an entrepreneur since a young age.
He holds a Bachelors in Industrial Engineering from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. At SIUE, he taught in the robotics lab. During and after college, Tom worked for United Parcel Service as an Industrial Engineer. His responsibilities included establishing the first ever: national wireless system in UPS trucks, national implementation of the delivery tablets that UPS drivers still carry today, and the national barcoding system.
In 1995, Tom established Swip Systems, a nationwide software consultancy. Swip works in many vertical industries with established corporations, closely held companies and startups, helping them gain better insight and reduce risk in the organizations through technology. Tom is a also mentor to several different startups.
Tom is an Eagle Scout, and a member of the Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO), the Association for Corporate Growth and The Entrepreneurship Institute (TEI). Tom’s mission in life is to help others.