MML IN-PERSON EVENT – Navigating Organizational Transitions – Dale Kreienkamp
Friday July 9th, 2021 7:15 am – 9:00 am
We’re super excited to announce that we will be back to an in-person event in July!
Organizations must successfully navigate both planned and unplanned transitions, e.g., acquisitions, divestitures, CEO/owner retirements, mergers, organizational re-structuring, COVID-19, etc. Senior leaders often misunderstand transitions, their impact on managers and employees, as well as what can be done to help. When there isn’t an employee focus, the results often include increased anxiety and turnover, an overwhelmed and disengaged workforce, decreased productivity and loss of trust in leadership, none of which is good for your organization. But there is a better way. You will gain an understanding of what drives behavior in a transition, which may shift your perspective in the future. You will also learn tips on creating strategies to help bring your employees successfully through your next transition and minimize the negative impacts for your organization.
Please note that this event will start with networking at 7:15 am followed by the presentation at 8:00 am.
Speaker: Dale Kreienkamp
Dale Kreienkamp is a speaker and the President of Thriving Through Transitions, a consultancy focused on helping organizations and individuals successfully navigate difficult transitions and become better through the process. His professional background includes over 40+ years as a Human Resources Executive and Consultant, coaching and guiding leaders. He is also the author of How Long, O Lord, How Long? Devotions for the Unemployed and Those Who Love Them.